SugarCRM Blog

What is Xero?

Xero is a cloud accounting solution or SaaS product (Software as a Service).  It enables an organisation to leverage advanced accounting features, streamline interactions with 3rd parties such as an accountant, reduce the cost of ownership and integrate more easily with other business systems.

Connector Key Features

connector key features.JPG

Xero and SugarCRM Integration

Working with CRMonline, iZeno provides connector between SugarCRM and Xero online accounting for customers in ASEAN.

This connector allows the creation of sales, purchases, product catalogue and the synchronisation of client details directly within SugarCRM. This information is immediately pushed the the Xero accounting package along with the client details.

Creating an invoice within SugarCRM



Sales people can create invoice from SugarCRM reducing the effort of finance administrator and reduce duplicated data entry efforts.

Converting an quotation to an invoice in Xero



Data entry is reduced since Sales person can convert an quotation to an invoice.

Core Benefits

  1. All invoicing information can be entered by the sales person directly from the CRM, removing the need for sales people to access the accounting package or communicate the invoicing details to a dedicated accounting person.
  2. The entry of customer details is reduced to one point of entry. This ensures that no information is lost in translation.
  3. Since invoicing and purchasing information is made available in the CRM, this information can be reported on and analyzed against other objects within the CRM. For examples, if you would like to report on average billing amount per support case or per support person, it would be possible to do this.
  4. Since the ability to generate invoices and purchases within the CRM exists, it’s relatively straight forward to automate and/or streamline billing processes within the CRM.

Commonly Used Cases

  • Commission management systems: since we’re able to easily generate invoices from the CRM, we’re able to combine this ability with the extreme flexibility of the CRM and generate invoices based on business data within the CRM. For example, if you needed to pay commission based on the sale of a property, it would be relatively straight forward to model a property tracking system within the CRM and generate payable commissions based on this information.
  • Performance management: Measure staff performance on actual revenue generated when payment is received as opposed to estimations based on forecasting.
  • Automated billing systems: Do you need to automate your billing based on unique data within your system? For example, if you have a membership database that you need to manage, you can tie this to your accounting package via this connector and enable or disable membership based on payment status.

Download Datasheets and Case Studies Here.