Highlight your team’s performance with 7 customer support metrics

Zendesk: Customer support metrics can be tricky business. Each metric can tell a different story; [...]

2019-07-18T15:30:45+08:00January 24th, 2018|Customer Experience (CX), Customer Support, Solutions|Comments Off on Highlight your team’s performance with 7 customer support metrics

Shiplap and Artificial Intelligence: Why AI is Important for Everyone, Not Just Those in Silicon Valley

TIBCO: I want to discuss the urgent need to advance AI for all American business, [...]

2019-07-18T15:35:40+08:00January 4th, 2018|Analytics and Insight, Business Intelligence, Solutions|Comments Off on Shiplap and Artificial Intelligence: Why AI is Important for Everyone, Not Just Those in Silicon Valley

The Top Six Things That CRM Can Do For You

SugarCRM: CRM is about gaining and retaining customers. By leveraging a CRM system, organizations can [...]

2019-07-18T15:36:20+08:00January 1st, 2018|CRM, Customer Support, Digital Transformation, Productivity and Scalability, Solutions, SugarCRM|Comments Off on The Top Six Things That CRM Can Do For You
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